"The hot flashes didn't slow me down, but the menstrual
cramps did. I remember cramps like this when I was a teen. I vaguely remember
hot water bottles, my mother's tender touch, thick novels, time alone
to dream, to envision how my life would flower."
Step 1. Collect information . . .
The amount and intensity of your menstrual cramping may very well change
during your Change. The major problem menopausal women face in dealing
with cramps is that most herbs and many drugs which relieve cramping
also increase flooding. Steps 2 and 3 offer some that don't.
Step 2. Engage the energy . . .
o Menstrual cramps remind us to take time alone.
o Sit in a hot bath and flow, melt, dissolve, relax, release, let go.
Step 3. Nourish and tonify . . .
H Liferoot is one of my favorite remedies for menopausal women dealing
with intense cramps, especially if accompanied by severe fatigue, nausea,
and faintness. A small dose (5-10 drops) of the tincture of the fresh
liferoot flowers, taken daily during the luteal phase (from ovulation
to menstruation) for at least 3-6 months has "worked wonders"
for many women who were totally incapacitated by menstrual distress.
This remedy may be difficult to purchase. Mail order sources are listed
on page XXX. Or make your own. (Directions on page XXX.)
H Black haw and cramp bark, both virburnums, are superb allies for menopausal
women with cramping and flooding. The tincture of either is an astringent
tonic, powerful antispasmodic, and rich source of hormonal precursors.
A dose is 10-20 drops, in water, as often as needed.
o Garden sage tea is hormone-rich and astringent, and, like all mints,
a remedy for menstrual cramps. Most mints - such as catnip and pennyroyal,
common and highly effective remedies for cramps - increase flooding,
and are best avoided during the menopausal years. Smoking a catnip cigarette
is, however, a highly effective way to diminish cramps and is unlikely
to promote excessive bleeding.
Step 4. Sedate/Stimulate . . .
o If you're cramping but not flooding, try ginger tea.
o A dose of 5-15 drops of motherwort tincture is a great choice for
menopausal women with menstrual cramping. The dose may be repeated,
but it is better not to use this remedy on a daily basis, as it may
increase circulation and provoke flooding.
H Valerian root tincture, 30 drops repeated as needed, eases menstrual
pain dramatically. Valerian makes many women sleepy and a few hyperactive.
Step 5b. Use drugs . . .
o Aspirin eases menstrual cramps but can provoke flooding. So can Midol.
Willow bark (Salix) tincture is as effective as aspirin in relieving
cramps but less likely to cause flooding. Best in vinegar.
Step 6. Break and enter . . .
H A Crone's Year Away will disrupt every part of your life, breaking
down carefully established patterns. It's time for a Change.

If you liked this excerpt by Susun S.
Weed, you will want
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Building Better Bones
Kundalini Meditation
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"If this book had not been given to me by a close friend, I would be experiencing menopause in an entirely different manner. The Wise Woman approach to the various and unexpected discomforts and joys of the Change has motivated me to seize this experience to transform my life for the better."